Tag Archives: Environmental

The Story of Bottled Water: Setting The Record Straight

Story_of_Bottled_Water_imgHey you! The one on our super-cool Bulletin Bottle website. Why are you here? I’m sure you know that water bottles are one of the hottest, trendiest items out there to put your message on.  And, it’s definitely a bonus that customized water bottles practically shout, “This organization is eco-friendly! You can feel good associating with them.”

But do you know WHY reusable water bottles are so environmentally friendly? Do you know why it’s so devastating to the Earth to use disposable bottles?

The people at The Story of Stuff Project have put together a great video about how this bottled water business came about, why it’s hurting the world, and what you can do about it.

People in the U.S. buy enough bottles of water each week to circle the globe more than 5 times. Each year, making the plastic water bottles used in the U.S. takes enough oil and energy to fuel a million cars.

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Disposable Drink Bottles: MA Considers Expanding Bill

Massachusetts’ bottle bill currently requires deposits only on soda and beer bottles and cans. However, lawmakers are trying to expand the 5-cent deposit to also include sport drink and bottled water bottles, as well as other beverage containers.
Almost half of the cities and towns in Massachusetts have passed resolutions supporting the expansion and a recent poll found that 77 percent of the public supports it.

About 80 percent of soda and other containers covered under the existing bottle deposit law are redeemed or recycled but only an estimated 22 percent of other uncovered bottles are recycled. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection said municipalities could save a combined $7 million a year in avoided trash costs under expected improvements in recycling.

The bill would also re-establish a Clean Environment Fund so that unreturned deposit money can be set aside for recycling and environmental projects and boost a fee that beverage distributors pay to bottle redemption centers.