Category Archives: Plastics News

Why You Want BPA Free Plastic Water Bottles

fotter-icon-bpa-free-444Bulletin Bottle features a hand-picked selection of custom water bottles. But, did you know that we only carry BPA free plastic water bottles on our website?

But, what is BPA and why should you care about that? BPA stands for Bisphenol A. It’s an industrial chemical that has been used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins since the ‘60s. Continue reading

LAX Bans Plastic Water Bottles!

Airports, bustling hubs of travel and commerce, have long been associated with convenience, connectivity, and sometimes, excess waste. However, a promising change is taking place at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), one of the world’s busiest airports, as it embarks on a journey towards environmental sustainability by implementing a ban on plastic water bottles! This groundbreaking move has the potential to set a new standard for sustainable practices within the aviation industry and beyond. A plastic water bottles ban is not a new move, but it’s one with great potential and showcases the demand for reusable water bottles! Continue reading

Celebrate National Recycling Week with Custom Recycled Water Bottles!

It’s National Recycling Week! This is a great opportunity to highlight sustainable habits in your organization, or to start incorporating more sustainable practices into your everyday routine! We know the importance of reducing our footprint and single-use plastic use, and this week is a great time to celebrate the progress we’ve made while recognizing the room we all have for improvement. Custom recycled water bottles are the perfect promotional product for an organization who values sustainability and wants to provide their audience with something that is aligned with their values. Continue reading

Plastic Bottled Water Consumption: Let’s Talk About It

Many of us, if not all of us, are already aware of the movement against single-use plastics and plastic bottles. Sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives have taken hold within a lot of different industries and demographics as consumers trend towards reusable alternatives. Although a lot of people are changing their habits and working to avoid single-use plastic, the issue of single-use plastic consumption, specifically plastic bottled water consumption, is extremely pressing. Let’s talk about it!  Continue reading

Recycled Plastic: Is It Safe to Use in Water Bottles?

Customized Water BottleThere’s been a lot of talk lately about recycled plastic and whether it’s safe to use with food and beverages in our homes. This type of topic can be confusing, as there’s inconsistent information around the internet and it’s hard to tell what’s what! Everyone wants to ensure their products are safe to use, but as a consumer it can be difficult to figure out which products actually are. Well, safety is our #1 priority here at Bulletin Brands, so we wanted to dive deeper into this topic to set your mind at ease. We always want to make sure our products are exceeding any and all safety standards. (Spoiler alert: they are!) Continue reading

Recycling Facts: So What Is The Best Water Bottle?

recycle_plantWe often are asked, “What is the best aluminum water bottle?” or “What is the best stainless water bottle?” The answer is: the best reusable bottle is the one that stops a plastic water bottle from ending up in a landfill.

It’s more important than ever to make sustainable choices in our lives, and an easy place to start is with our drinkware. Single-use plastics pose risks to our health as well as the wellbeing of the planet. Opting for reusable water bottles is a small but significant change you can make daily! If you’re not quite convinced yet, here are some recycling facts for you to ponder. Continue reading

Custom Recycled Water Bottles – Taking Environmental Responsibility Through Upcycling

Consumers in America use billions of single use plastic bottles every year. Even with the proper recycling methods, this trend causes millions of pounds of plastic to end up in our landfills or shipped to China to produce polyester materials. Reusable plastic water bottles are far better than single use ones, but if they are made from newly sourced plastic, they do still contribute to the problem. In an effort to be more environmentally responsible, one of Bulletin Bottle’s factories is working to find a more eco-friendly method of production.


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Plastic Straw Bans: When Regulation Goes Too Far

Plastic Straw BansYou know how some corporations and municipalities have banned (or are thinking about banning) disposable plastic straws? Yeah, so…about those straw bans. There is definitely more than one side of the story to consider.

Ok, so there’s plastic pollution. That’s a fact. Straws are plastic, and they’re certainly turning up in oceans, lakes, and other waterways. So, for people who want to see humans consume less plastic, straws are a pretty easy target.

Estimates vary as to how much plastic straw pollution is out there. One report suggests they make up more than 7% of the plastics found in the U.S. by piece. There’s also a stat floating around about how Americans use over 500 million plastic straws a day. Know where this came from? A 9-year-old boy’s telephone poll (from 2011). It goes without saying that there’s major scientific uncertainty over THAT number! Continue reading

No More Disposable Water Bottle Bans at National Parks

Since 2011, we have been talking about the National Park Service’s efforts to reduce waste, cut trash removal costs, and encourage the use of refillable bottles on federal lands. Twenty-three of the 417 sites, including the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Mount Rushmore, decided to outright prohibit the sale of disposable water bottles in shops, hotels and vending machines.

That all came to a screeching halt this week, as the NPS announced that, effective immediately, it will no longer allow water bottle bans at its parks. Continue reading

Custom Printed Bottles: How to Recycle Them (Eventually)

Recycle Code NumbersLet’s face the hard reality: Some day you may have to get rid of some water bottles. Maybe you’re moving and need to lighten your load. Perhaps they’ve come to the end of their life span. Or—gasp—you just don’t like a certain water bottle and want to ditch it.

Wait! Don’t throw away your unwanted custom printed bottles. Find out how or if they can be recycled. Yes, you can likely recycle those poor bottles, furthering their sole purpose of decreasing plastics waste (you know, the reason you first switched to reusable bottles in the first place).

So how do you figure this out? Easy…just use the SPI’s resin ID coding system. Huh? What the…? Let us explain: Continue reading