The Ultimate Tool to Market Your Business: Custom Reusable Drinkware!

Reusable Water BottleThere are a lot of different avenues you can take when brainstorming a new marketing project. In a world with an infinite number of options for marketing, there is one route that we believe is a strong pick in almost any industry: reusable drinkware. Custom reusable drinkware has blown up over the last few years, and for good reason! It’s useful for any demographic you are trying to reach, it is low cost, and it’s customizable to fit your brand. As a company who specializes in promotional products, drinkware being one of our main focuses, we want to share with you some of the main reasons to consider drinkware for your next project. Because you don’t want to miss out on this insanely valuable opportunity for marketing!

So why bother using custom drinkware to market your brand? There are a few key points to note:

1. It allows for daily exposure of your brand to your target clients. 60% of consumers use a reusable mug, bottle, or tumbler daily. This creates huge opportunity for brand knowledge and recognition among your client bases. Not to mention, 80% of people who use promotional products then go on to research the brand that is on it. So not only do they allow for valuable exposure, but they are also highly effective marketing tools.

2. Reusable drinkware is kept by consumers for an average of 12+ months. This means that with a one-time cost to you (purchasing the bottle), your marketing efforts could potentially go on and have impact for over a year! Think of all the people that one bottle would encounter within a year, each of them seeing your brand. On average, it has about 1,400+ impressions in its lifetime!Custom Plastic Water Bottles

3. Reusable drinkware is not a fad, it is the future. This industry has grown significantly over recent years, and the demand for drinkware continues to climb each year. You can feel good about investing in something that you know will create brand awareness long after your marketing campaign finishes! We know that consumers are looking for more sustainable options, and reusable bottles check that box!

These are only a few of the many factors that make custom reusable drinkware a smart choice for marketing your brand. Look around our site and you’ll see just how many different options there are when choosing a promotional item for your next project. We have something for every business and occasion! Our team is waiting by to help you find the perfect bottle for your business!

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